Pioneering processes

The uviblox technology

Industrial companies and municipalities that are planning or already operating a cleaning system to reduce pollutants have a number of requirements for the technology to be used. In addition to the lowest possible investment and operating costs, this should be characterized by a small space requirement and high operational stability.

Flexible possibilities for adapting to the operating conditions with regard to future production-integrated emission reductions or capacity expansions are further desired advantages.

uviblox FOX technology stands for innovative photooxidation for the treatment and purification of exhaust air and wastewater streams.

The advantages of the procedure:

  • Simple process control and low technical effort
  • Safe compliance with guidelines and limit values
  • High economic efficiency due to low operating and investment costs
  • Low space requirements
  • Easy handling and low personnel costs
  • Operational reliability and high system availability

Learn more about the basics and processes of our UV technology.